In this article, we update you on how to prevent drugs usage in young people, drugs cause euphoria and analgesia. The characteristics of drug dependence are the following: Psychic dependence in different degrees.
Establishment of physical dependence. After the reduction of consumption below a critical level, a self-limiting withdrawal syndrome occurs.
Withdrawal syndrome includes tremors, hallucinations, seizures and “delirium tremens”. Irregular and incomplete tolerance is established. Amphetamines
They are synthetic compounds with euphoric properties by stimulating the Central Nervous System (CNS), counteracting the effects of depressants.
The characteristics of drug dependence are: They produce variable psychic dependence. Small physical dependence Tolerance is established fairly quickly.
Characteristics of drug dependence are: Variable psychic dependence. Physical dependence marked when the doses are markedly higher than the therapeutic levels.
Withdrawal syndrome is very serious (nervous excitement, nausea, vomiting, convulsions and manifestations of terror). Establishment of a variable and incomplete tolerance to the different pharmacological effects.
Cannabis type drugs
To the preparations that contain mainly leaves and florid units not deprived of the resin, they are given the name of Marijuana, Grass or Kif.
The resin of Cannabis is called Hachis. In general, there is euphoria, significant perceptual changes, such as visual and auditory distortions, temporary disorientation and diminished immediate memory.
If it is consumed in the company, it tends to loquacity and spontaneous laughter. Its drug dependence is characterized by:
- Psychic dependence of moderate to strong.
- Little or no physical dependence.
- There is no withdrawal syndrome.
There is a certain degree of tolerance associated with intense use.
The consumption to be prolonged and increasing the doses progressively leads to significant biological and personality disorders (affective indifference, apathy, etc.).
Among the frequent consumers, the “amotivational” syndrome characterized by the inability to maintain attention to environmental stimuli and to maintain the thought or behaviour aimed at an objective has been described. Cocaine
It is a powerful brain stimulant, very similar in its action to amphetamines, causes sensations of great muscular strength and mental alertness.
They are capable, in high doses, of provoking euphoric excitement and hallucinatory experiences. Drug dependence is presented as follows:
- Very intense psychic dependence.
- Physical dependence
- The withdrawal syndrome is manifested by anxiety, nausea, tremor, fatigue and
- depressive symptoms.
- Lack of tolerance.
- Strong tendency to continue the administration.
- Hallucinogens
These drugs provoke a state of CNS excitation and central autonomic hyperactivity that manifests itself in changes in mood, deformation of sensory perception, visual hallucinations, delusions, depersonalization, etc. In general, the experience is pleasant except for the “bad trips” where panic reactions occur. The characteristics of drug dependence are:
- Psychic dependence is not usually intense.
- No physical dependence, no withdrawal syndrome.
- A high degree of tolerance is rapidly acquired.
They produce a state of total satiety of the impulses, they suppress the sensation of pain. For example Heroin, Morphine, Methadone, etc.
The characteristics of dependence are; Strong psychic dependence, which manifests as an irrepressible impulse to continue consuming drugs.
It presents physical dependence that can be started from the first dose administered.
Withdrawal disorder occurs 36-72 hours after deprivation and is very intense.
Tolerance is established.
A high dose can cause death due to circulatory collapse or respiratory arrest. Its intravenous administration increases the risk of contagion of certain diseases (hepatitis, AIDS).
In cases of habitual consumption, the abstinence syndrome lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. The symptoms are: tearing, sweating, muscle cramps, intestinal spasms, backaches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, diarrhoea, and intense anxiety and depression. Inhalants
These substances are depressants of the CNS and produce effects similar to those of alcohol.
They include gasoline, glue, glue, solvents, etc. The characteristics of drug dependence are:
Some substances can produce psychic dependence of varying degrees.
There is no evidence of physical dependence.
The phenomenon of tolerance for the CNS depressant effects has been demonstrated:
The tobacco produces dependence by one of the substances that it contains, the nicotine, it is an alkaloid that creates addiction and that is only present in the tobacco plant.
Along with it, there are several thousand more substances in the smoke of cigarettes that produce various alterations when introduced into the body.
Among them are the tars, which are responsible for a large number of diseases, or coadjuvants of other circulatory and respiratory systems.
People start smoking for psychosocial reasons, such as availability, rebelliousness, social trust, etc. , although once they have tried the first cigarettes are both psychosocial and physiological factors (nicotine) responsible for the maintenance of that behavior.
For this reason, the age of onset of this habit is in adolescence. It is worth highlighting a fact of great importance and is that the earlier the habit is acquired the more difficult it is then the abandonment of cigarettes.
How to prevent drugs in young people
The intervention strategy for the prevention of drug dependence must pursue a twofold objective: To promote changes in the aspects of the young person’s context that are recognized as possible triggers of the beginning of consumption or that hinder their personal development and a correct adaptation, through the active involvement of parents and teachers in prevention.
To achieve a favourable attitude towards a healthy life in the young person, without drug use, making him learn a series of behaviours, skills or competencies that allow him to behave independently of the environment and with freedom.
There are a series of actions that parents and teachers have to carry out that we consider “preventive acts”: to form the critical sense of children and young people, to learn to make decisions, to develop their self-control, to maintain a favourable attitude towards health in general, etc … and also, at a certain age, who know the nature and effects of certain psychoactive substances.
The critical period for experimentation, for the first contact with one or more psychoactive substances, is preadolescence and adolescence.
Certain psychological and socio-environmental factors seem to be the cause of the onset, while those same factors, plus the pharmacological properties of the substances, are the cause of future maintenance in the use, with the development of the physical and psychic dependence of the substance.
It is reasonable to suppose that the prevention of drug use should go hand in hand with the prevention of many other manifestations of the personal and relational problems of adolescents and young people.
In this way, the preventive task must not be focused exclusively on drugs but must encompass the underlying determinants of this set of problematic behaviours.
In this sense, the importance of the role of the family in the genesis of the beginning to the use of drugs and, therefore, its role as a preventive agent is increasingly recognized.
From the family and the school, the use of drugs is prevented by assuming and developing the fundamental role assigned to these institutions: Educate.
You have the power to meditate your decisions regarding what you are going to allow to be introduced into your body.
And if something sneaks in you still have the power to expel him. Which means that you keep controlling your body and your mind.